C.A.R.E Programs Archive

MMAC C.A.R.E – Halal Investment Plan
Date- January 29, 2022
Halal investment refers to the investment of money in accordance with islamic financial principles it is centred on the concepts of social justice, ethics and using finances to help build communities.

MMAC C.A.R.E – Financial Planning and Wealth in Islam
Date- January 15, 2022
The importance of financial freedom has only increased as we navigate uncertain and unprecedented times. Ever wondered about the Islamic perspective on financial planning and investments?

MMAC C.A.R.E – Credit Card Fraud Awareness
Date- November 26, 2021
Credit Card Fraud is among the most common types of consumer fraud, and virtually anyone ranging from individuals to businesses can be a victim in today’s world of paperless transactions and proliferating identity theft.

MMAC C.A.R.E – Awareness on Financial Scam
Date- November 13, 2021
Session will cover the most common types of financial scams with real-life examples, Practical tips on how you can keep yourself safe from such scams, Actions to take if you are scammed.

MMAC C.A.R.E – Wills and Power of Attorney
Date- October 23, 2021
A Will is an essential document that one should have for authority over the distribution of our assets. Click to view Recording.

MMAC C.A.R.E: Rethinking Wellness and Ageing in the Zoom era
Date- September 18, 2021
Well-being is an essential part of any person’s existence. This event aims to optimize physical, social and emotional wellness through awareness. Click to view Recording.